
Teaching People in Syntropic Farming is a Privilege and a Joy

07. March 2024
by Ursula “Uzzy” Arztmann

A group of people planting trees during a Syntropic Farming field training in Germany, in March 2024
Syntropic farming field training participants, setting up a system in Germany

Teaching people in syntropic farming is a privilege and a joy – especially when you are lucky to do it on the warmest and sunniest of weekends of this year!

So we began March with the highlight of a training program that started last October and brought 30 people from all over Europe and beyond to a little village in Germany.

What was special about it?

  • We listened to you and changed the classical 5 day workshop on site into a format of 5 evening classes in fall and a practical weekend in spring. This way the workshop was less of an investment time-wise, cheaper and at the same time richer in content.
  • The (German) online sessions were enriched with additional content and could be watched whenever.
  • We created many printout and digital templates for you to do better designs and analyze your environment and market more swiftly.
  • With the distribution of theory in fall and practical in early spring, we were able to collect seeds, do a design and order planting material, so that the new systems of the participants could be planted within the same planting season.

That’s way better impact and a deeper learning journey. This was also feedback received by a happy and hard working group of participants.

All of this would not have been possible without the fruitful partnership with relavisio / Urs Mauk and Laurenz von Glahn – thank you all for your support, energy, and experience!

See you next time!

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Recelio Joins Brainforest 7-Week Venture Program

05. November 2023

Kick-Off Meeting of the Brainforest Regenerative Food Forest Venture Program

We are excited to announce that recelio has been invited to participate in the Brainforest 7-Week Venture Program.

We see this as a unique opportunity to expand our horizons and work alongside like-minded innovators who share our commitment to regeneration and our vision for a more resilient future, some of whom also share our passion for Syntropic Farming.

Our participation in the program will allow us to further our goals and to continue working on launching the recelio Marketplace – our platform to enable financing, managing, and monitoring the transition to regenerative land-use systems. 

More info about the Brainforest Food Forest Lab:

Regenerative Food Forests
Food forests are a sustainable agroforestry system that can provide food, fuel, and other resources while preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Forests tackle climate, biodiversity, and food crises at the same time, contribute to 27% of climate action by 2030, and are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity.
This lab’s focus is on the creation of market-driven solutions that generate revenue from nuts, fruits, and other non-timber forest products for local forest communities.
Brainforest’s Innovation Lab for Regenerative Food Forests has been launched in partnership with the Minerva Foundation, with the goal of creating market-driven solutions that empower local communities to increase the value of the Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) they produce.

Source: https://brainforest.global/food-lab

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Brainforest panel for recognizing the potential of the recelio Marketplace and are very happy to embark on this journey 🙂

Let’s make farm biodiversity investable!

Recelio Joins Brainforest 7-Week Venture Program Read More »

Spotlight: A Dive into the Future of Regenerative Chocolate

28. August 2023
by Ursula “Uzzy” Arztmann

Ursula Arztmann with Cocoa Farmers in Trinidad
recelio's president Ursula "Uzzy" Arztmann with Cocoa Farmers in Trinidad

Syntropic Farming in Trinidad

On my visit to Trinidad, I found myself amidst cocoa farms that told a story of both struggle and hope.

Teaching Syntropic Farming to local cacao producers, I delved deep into the challenges and potential of the cocoa industry.

Trinidad’s Cocoa Farms: A Tale of Challenges and Potential

Many of Trinidad’s cocoa fields were hit by fungal infections like witches broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa) and black pod rot (Phytophthora spp.).

The sight of overaged trees with waning production and soils scarred by pesticide containers was disheartening.

Yet, the interest from the farmer community was palpable.

They recognized the urgent need for change, understanding that transitioning to agroforestry approaches like Syntropic Farming was vital for a sustainable future.

The Current Landscape of the Cocoa Industry

We’re at a pivotal moment in the cocoa industry, and several pressing concerns underscore this:

  • Climate Concerns: Increased climate volatility is a looming threat to production.
  • Aging Trees: Globally, many cacao trees are overaged with no clear transition strategy in sight.
  • “Pest” Pressures: Overaging and monocultural practices have escalated “pest” pressures.
  • Pollination Threats: A drastic drop in insect populations makes cacao one of the most threatened crops.
  • Regulatory Pressures: From penalties to forbidden imports, the regulatory landscape is tightening, emphasizing transparency and ethical considerations.
  • Socio-Political Challenges: Decreased resilience in producing countries, coupled with rising poverty, threatens supply stability and drives up prices.

The Promise of Syntropic Farming

Against this backdrop, regenerative approaches like Syntropic Farming emerge as a beacon of hope, offering:

  • Superior seed quality and taste.
  • A healthier work environment for farmers.
  • Diversified income streams, paving the way out of poverty.
  • A shift from deforestation to reforestation, restoring cacao to its natural habitat: the tropical forest understory.
  • Enhanced productivity and reduced losses to “pests” and diseases.
  • A boost in biodiversity, making lands eligible for initiatives like the recelio marketplace.
  • Improved brand reputation, as regenerative cacao uplifts both communities and the environment.
  • Greater supply chain stability, thanks to increased resilience against climate volatility.

recelio’s Commitment

At recelio, our focus is clear:

We’re addressing the core barriers hindering the adoption of regenerative practices. These challenges, especially for farmers, revolve around the lack of transition funding and knowledge.

We believe in fostering a culture of continuous learning, where farmers can exchange insights and learn from best practices in close proximity to their farms.

We envision a world where regenerative chocolate is the standard, allowing you to savor a treat that not only delights your palate but also contributes to a better world.

Chocolate’s future is not just sweet – it’s regenerative.

Join us now on our journey to make Farm Biodiversity investable!

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Recelio will be at the startupnight in Berlin – Come visit us!

17. August 2023

Chocolate is the world’s favorite treat.

And it’s under attack: Torrential rains destroying cocoa farms, pests ravaging crops, farmers in poverty.

And that affects everyone down the line: the buyer, the chocolate producer, and you, if you want to eat chocolate.

Surely, you don’t usually go outside naked.

You put clothes on. You stroll through a park. You meet friends at a café. Your environment defines the quality of your life, even your ability to thrive.

In that sense, cocoa is just like you. It needs an ecosystem in which it can thrive.

But industrial forms of farming have stripped away that ecosystem. That means: We started asking our cocoa to “go outside naked,” making it fragile.

Now, if we want to grow cocoa at a high quality and with dependable crop yields, we have to treat it right and allow it to thrive in a nurturing, anti-fragile ecosystem.

Enter: recelio.

We empower farmers to transition from current farming methods to syntropic agroforestry, which outperforms all other methods in heavy-weather and pest resilience.

And which already produces the world’s highest quality cocoa today.

And we’re building a transparent, reliable, and profitable platform, on which chocolate producers can finance the cocoa farmers’ transition, in order to keep their supply chain dependable and resilient.

For investors with an eye on impact, this is ground zero. It’s where profit meets purpose. Farmers prosper, biodiversity thrives, and businesses can grow.


Write us and come say hi at startupnight Berlin!

Or directly contact us on LinkedIn:
Ben Kimura-Gross
Christian Fu Müller
Ursula Arztmann

Recelio will be at the startupnight in Berlin – Come visit us! Read More »

New study: Syntropic Agroforestry, a game-changer for peri-urban socio-ecological functions

18. July 2023

Community Planting

We’re excited to share this study conducted by the University of Milan, to which recelio and Soulfood Forestfarms Italy contributed significantly. 

The Study

The study has shed light on the transformative potential of Syntropic Agroforestry, here referred to as “Multi-strata Agroforestry”.

The study, titled “Agroforestry as a Driver for the Provisioning of Peri-Urban Socio-Ecological Functions: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach“, was conducted at the Milano Porta Verde (MPV) agroecology hub.

The focus was not just on the agroforestry plot, but it encompassed a variety of different land-use systems, providing a comprehensive view of the potential of agroforestry practices.

The results

Absolutely inspiring!

Syntropic Agroforestry demonstrated a remarkable capacity to enhance the potential supply of ecosystem services, including support, provisioning, regulating, and cultural aspects.

It facilitated higher ecological niche variability, improved refuge and reproduction area accessibility, and increased permeability to individual and species movements.

But that’s not all.

The impact of Syntropic Agroforestry

The study also highlighted the role of Syntropic Agroforestry in reactivating a sense of place values.

The woody and productive patches played a significant role in supporting diffused ecosystem services delivery across the peri-urban agricultural landscape.

Syntropic Agroforestry is not just about producing food.

It’s about fostering biodiversity, bolstering ecological resilience, and adapting socio-culturally to climate change.

It’s a framework for regeneration, creating value for all stakeholders.

We’re incredibly proud to have contributed to the creation of the system that has been studied. This study reaffirms our belief in the power of Syntropic Agroforestry and motivates us to continue our work in this field.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Alice Giulia Dal Borgo, Gemma Chiaffarelli, Valentina Capocefalo, Andrea Schievano, Stefano Bocchi, Ilda Vagge, and the entire Soulfood Forestfarms team for their invaluable contribution to this study.

Download the PDF here: “Agroforestry as a Driver for the Provisioning of Peri-Urban Socio-Ecological Functions: A Trans-Disciplinary Approach” 

Join us and support the creation of a regenerative future, become a #recelioFellow today! 

Follow us on LinkedIn to get our updates!

(a) The potential ecosystem services matrix for CS and TS, with ES values ranging from 1 to 4. (b) The spatialization of total ES supply (EStot) results for CS and TS, highlighting the role of cultural ecosystem services contributions (blue-circled patches).

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Recelio announces partnership with Rizosfera

7. June 2023

We are thrilled to announce the partnership with our long term teachers and friends from Rizosfera from Brasilia!

Rizosfera’s journey began through the joining of more than 30 years of experience in the study and professional practices in agroecological systems of the founders/farmers/researchers; biologist Paulo Nenevê and agronomer Rômulo Araújo.

They specialize in successional, syntropic agroforestry systems, in particular coffee systems within livestock agroforestry and regenerative horticulture.

Rizosfera offers entrepreneurial educational courses in regenerative agriculture, covering the bases from plantation planning to the commercialization of the final products.

Their team is made up of numerous professionals allowing them to offer personalized planning based on the needs of their clients: from training to commercialization support and the related certifications.

Syntropic Farming system by Rizosfera

Rizosfera and recelio

Since 2016 we nourish a deep connection between Rizosfera’s Co-Founder Rômulo Araújo and recelio’s Founder Ursula “Uzzy” Arztmann.

“Apart from Ernst Götsch’s teachings, no other of his long-term students influenced my syntropic learning journey more than Rômulo”

says Uzzy.

“His depth of knowledge paired with a highly empathic personality and strong planning-, implementation- and teaching-skills make Rômulo and his team a fantastic partner for joint projects.”

We are looking forward to co-create systems in joint projects that not only preserve natural resources but regenerate them on all analytical fronts, be it an increase in water, improved soil structures, improved genetic diversity, increased photosynthesis and the overall production per acre, all the while integrating the improvement in the production chain to the economic value of each region.

Find Paulo Nenevê on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulo-nenev%C3%AA-60119355/

Rizosfera (Logo)

Recelio announces partnership with Rizosfera Read More »

Please join us in welcoming Ben Kimura-Gross to the recelio team!

5. May 2023

We are happy to announce that Ben Kimura-Gross joined our team and will take care of Business Strategy and Investor Relations.

As we are entering the Pre-Seed round for our dynamicBiodiversityTokens, we are excited to now have a dedicated, competent and motivated regenerator with us.

Ben comes with an international business network, an indestructible optimism, and the experience of building long-term, fruitful relationships with investors, clients, and communities.

Welcome, Ben!

We are very happy to have you with us. Let’s move things, brother!

Find Ben on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-k-g/

Ben Kimura-Gross

Please join us in welcoming Ben Kimura-Gross to the recelio team! Read More »