Recelio will be at the startupnight in Berlin – Come visit us!
17. August 2023

Chocolate is the world’s favorite treat.
And it’s under attack: Torrential rains destroying cocoa farms, pests ravaging crops, farmers in poverty.
And that affects everyone down the line: the buyer, the chocolate producer, and you, if you want to eat chocolate.
Surely, you don’t usually go outside naked.
You put clothes on. You stroll through a park. You meet friends at a café. Your environment defines the quality of your life, even your ability to thrive.
In that sense, cocoa is just like you. It needs an ecosystem in which it can thrive.
But industrial forms of farming have stripped away that ecosystem. That means: We started asking our cocoa to “go outside naked,” making it fragile.
Now, if we want to grow cocoa at a high quality and with dependable crop yields, we have to treat it right and allow it to thrive in a nurturing, anti-fragile ecosystem.
Enter: recelio.
We empower farmers to transition from current farming methods to syntropic agroforestry, which outperforms all other methods in heavy-weather and pest resilience.
And which already produces the world’s highest quality cocoa today.
And we’re building a transparent, reliable, and profitable platform, on which chocolate producers can finance the cocoa farmers’ transition, in order to keep their supply chain dependable and resilient.
For investors with an eye on impact, this is ground zero. It’s where profit meets purpose. Farmers prosper, biodiversity thrives, and businesses can grow.
Write us and come say hi at startupnight Berlin!
Or directly contact us on LinkedIn:
Ben Kimura-Gross
Christian Fu Müller
Ursula Arztmann

Recelio will be at the startupnight in Berlin – Come visit us! Read More »