Are you ready for your regenerative journey?

Radical regeneration starts with the place. Join us in building a resilient future now.

  • Co-create localized resilient bio-regions
  • Join us in re-inventing agricultural systems
    and building capacity
  • Get support on your corporate, governmental or community journey to become a force of regeneration
Planting trees (Photo: C. Manenti)
Soulfood Forestfarms
Triebwerk Logo
Terrabiom - Logo
Farm Food Climate Logo

What we can do for you

Community Planting


Make your raw-material sourcing regenerative.
Move from fragile supply chains to resilient supply ecosystems.


Regeneration starts with place and people.
Co-create resilient and future-proof model regions with us.

Policy Makers

Get guidance to make better decisions to create inner changes and regulatory frameworks that support regeneration.

Find out more

About us

Butterfly on a flower (Photo: Uzzy Arztmann)


To accelerate the paradigm shift from an extractive-mechanistic system towards one that is acting conducive to life and that positively adds to planetary health.


We co-create and facilitate localized, resilient bio-regions.
We re-invent our agricultural system and build capacity of all stakeholders.
We support corporations, regions, communities and farmers on their journey to become forces of regeneration.


We envision a world where stewardship of life is in the heart and minds of everyone.
We see resilient, interconnected and abundant regions with regenerative land use systems supported by all stakeholders.

Our path

recelio was originally founded in 2018 under the name of “Soulfood Forestfarms” as a Swiss non-profit association. We finished our first project phase in March 2022.

What we have learned so far

Our actions in the first years included the creation of a living lab and the capacity building of farmers to transform to Regenerative Agroforestry.

We gained valuable experience by working with different cultures and in diverse Biomes.

We co-designed and implemented a Syntropic System that is part of an Agroforestry lighthouse project in Hessen, Germany in collaboration with our friends from TRIEBWERK – Agroforst und Regenerative Landwirtschaft.

We successfully co-founded, co-created and guided a living lab in the region of Milan (Italy), where we set up a Regenerative Agroforestry system on over eight hectars of land.

We cooperated with Soulfood Forestfarms Hub Italia, the Municipality and University of Milan, CasciNet, businesses, volunteers and neighbours to create a bio-regional centre with multi-stakeholder participation.

We saw the astonishing power that lies in the local people that work at, on and with their place. We learned about the wide interest of the corporate worldfoundations and governments in our approaches and practices.

What we do now

The challenges of the current times that will multiply in the near future, can only be addressed by working together, facilitating relationships, exchanging, idea-creation and joint action

We put this into practice by creating resilient, future-proof model regions with multi-stakeholder participation. These include farmers as well as universities, local governments, consumer- and action- alliances, foundations, the local economy and international companies active in the region

Place is relevant to embrace systemic complexity, weave relationships, re-connect and transform. Place has history, gives identity and births stories for generations to come. 

We bring in-depth knowledge and experience to the table with revolutionary land use systems, are seasoned facilitators, capacity builders, storytellers and visual artists.

We are ready to co-design a new, life-affirming future on this planet together with you.

Core team

Uzzy Arztmann

Uzzy Arztmann

Founder and President

Reto Hubli

Reto Hubli

Co-founder, Vice-President and Treasurer

Steven Werner

Steven Werner

Regenerative Agroforestry Technician

Christian Fu Mueller

Christian Fu Müller


Ben Kimura-Gross

Ben Kimura-Gross

Business Strategy and Investor Relations

Bruno Damas

Bruno Damas

Head of IT

Become a force of regeneration